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The Prince of Egypt (Review)

By : Story Liner


        "The Prince of Egypt" is a timeless animated musical drama released 26 years ago (1998). I recently watched it for the first time and was deeply moved by its storytelling, music, and animation. How could I miss this masterpiece! Anyway it doesn't matter, I'm grateful to have finally seen it. Despite its age, the film remains a powerful and relevant experience.

        So to summarize, The Prince of Egypt is produced by DreamWorks. It adapts the biblical Book of Exodus, following Moses's journey from an Egyptian prince to a prophet chosen by God to lead the Hebrews out of slavery. Notably this was DreamWorks first animated feature, and the studio spared no effort in bringing together an impressive ensemble of voice actors, songwriters, and composers, demonstrating  DreamWorks means serious business. There are many things I like from the movie, SPOILER AHEAD, here we go 






1. Deliver Us: A Powerful Opening

                                                       With the stings of the whip on my shoulder                                                                                                                             

        Imagine that you are working your bone to the death and when you return home, you newly born son is killed... you might go insane. The opening sequence, set to the song "Deliver Us", masterfully depicts the harsh reality of Hebrew slavery and their desperate cries for freedom. The lyrics and music convey a deep sense of suffering under the oppressive Egyptian sun, highlighting their hope for deliverance. When I hear they sing "Deliver Us, There's a land you promised us" It struck and resonates deeply in me, reminding us that Even in the darkest times, there is a promise of a better future. To those that feel like living in a bondage, have faith because God will deliver. Big kudos to the singing voice of Yocheved (Ofra Haza) her performance is particularly moving; her voice captures both desperation and hope. From the information I found, she recorded this song into 17 different languages! what a dedication and talent! Young Miriam (Eden Riegel), also delivers a touching performance, adding to the emotional weight of the scene.

                                                                       Yocheved Crying

2. The Wisdom of "Through Heaven's Eyes"

        Another standout moment is Jethro's song "Through Heaven's Eyes" where he teaches Moses about the importance of seeing oneself through the eyes of the divine rather than through human judgment. One of my favorite lyrics is:

A single thread in a tapestryThough its color brightly shinesCan never see its purposeIn the pattern of the grand design



        This metaphor beautifully illustrates that, while each person is unique and valuable, our true purpose is only fully realized when we embrace our role in the greater design orchestrated by God, the Grand Artist. 

Another poignant lyric is:

A lake of gold in the desert sand
Is less than a cool fresh spring
And to one lost sheep, a shepherd boy
Is greater than the richest king

        This verse teaches that material wealth is not the ultimate measure of value; simple, essential things can be far more precious. It also subtly references the biblical parable of the lost sheep, emphasizing the importance of each individual to the Good Shepherd, who cares for us beyond material wealth. Whenever you lost, listen to shepherd voice. Sheep knows the shepherd voice, and the Good Shepherd loves His sheep (well rich king might love sheep too but maybe as a mutton in his feast)    

3. The Encounter with God

        One of the most awe-inspiring scenes is Moses' encounter with God at the burning bush. I love this part because the animation manage to capture the divine presence with a warm, inviting white flame. There's no any sense of threat and instead it emphasize God's welcoming and reassuring nature. The animator did a good job depicting an encounter with God, full of awe, wonder, and reverence! The scene is beautifully accompanied by Hans Zimmer's music, enhancing the  atmosphere to the fullest. Top notch! There's part when God reprimand Moses. But then, it followed by God comforting assurance with soft spoken voice. It really portrays a compassionate and patient God who supports and guide his followers.

                                                            "Oh Moses, I will always be with you"

        After seeing the burning bushes scene, I contemplate that God, Our Heavenly Father is a God that welcome you with open arms. His Grace is available to all, regardless of their past as shown in Moses' transformation from the Prince of Egypt (and former killer) to a leader of the Hebrew People. Embrace His Grace and never turn back.

 4. The Plagues Sequence

        A standout creative decision in The Prince of Egypt is the way the filmmakers condensed the second to ninth plagues into a single musical sequence. I initially wondered how they would portray all the plagues without consuming too much time, especially as the movie was entering its third act. This question was answered brilliantly through the song performed by Moses and Rameses, which felt like an epic rap battle of the ancient world (hehe). The filmmakers managed to convey the escalating tension and devastation through powerful visuals and music. The depiction of the tenth plague, in particular, is hauntingly effective. The silence and darkness create a chilling atmosphere, broken only by the subtle sound of a cup shattering—a simple yet powerful representation of the profound loss experienced by the Egyptians.

I will not let your (my) people go

5.The Final Scene: "When You Believe" and the Parting of the Red Sea

        I didn't realize that the song "When You Believe" was created specifically for this movie, and seeing it within the context of the final scene gave me a deeper appreciation for its message. After enduring years of slavery, when prayers for deliverance seemed unanswered and conditions were harsh, including the horrors of infanticide, the Hebrews finally experience freedom. The song captures the overwhelming sense of relief and miracle-like feeling of their liberation. Its theme of maintaining faith and perseverance resonates strongly, especially in light of the hardships faced by the characters.

                          There can be miracles when you believe

        The parting of the Red Sea is a visually stunning climax, especially impressive for a movie released in 1998. The CGI waves are beautifully rendered, capturing the grandeur and awe of the miraculous event. The scene perfectly encapsulates the divine intervention that defines this biblical story, leaving viewers with a sense of wonder and reverence.


                                                                Chill... literal chill


    Overall, The Prince of Egypt has remarkable storytelling, music, and animation to deliver a powerful and emotionally resonant experience (I might be biased here). Is a must-watch for anyone interested in animated films or biblical narratives.

Written by: Admin ST-Rex

Alates & Firefly

By : Story Liner


     Beberapa waktu lalu saya berkesempatan menemani teman saya berkeliling kota melihat gemerlap cahaya lampu di malam hari. Saya berseloroh bahwa dia seperti Firefly, serangga yang mengerumuni cahaya lampu. Ya saya tahu saya salah menggunakan nama serangga (seharusnya laron). Namun hal tersebut membuat saya merenungi perbedaan antara Laron/Alates dan Kunang-kunang.


    Alates atau yang sering kita kenal dengan nama laron merupakan serangga Rayap Terbang atau Rayap Bersayap. Laron adalah bagian awal dari setiap siklus hidup rayap di mana mereka telah siap untuk reproduksi dan membangun koloni baru. Laron sangat suka dengan cahaya, dikarenakan cahaya membantu mereka menavigasi ketika terbang,  menemukan pasangan dan membangun koloni baru.

Sering kali kita seperti laron, berjalan dalam kegelapan berusaha mencari sumber cahaya agar hidup kita tidak lagi gelap gulita, kebutuhan kita terpenuhi, dan tidak tersesat.

    Namun tahukah kalian cara menangkap laron? Cukup taruh air ke dalam ember dan taruh di bawah sumber cahaya seperti lampu. Pantulan cahaya di air terlihat sangat memikat bagi Laron sehingga mereka akan hinggap ke air tersebut... dan mati tenggelam.

Dalam hidup terkadang kita mencari sukacita dan damai di tempat yang salah. Seperti laron, kita terbuai oleh kilauan cahaya yang lebih menarik namun menipu, kita pun sering kali terpikat oleh hal-hal yang tampak indah namun palsu. Hingga tanpa disadari, kita sudah tenggelam. Jangan mencari sumber cahaya yang semu, carilah sumber cahaya yang sejati.

Sekarang mari kita belajar pada satu serangga yang lain yaitu Firefly/Kunang-kunang.


    Firefly/Kunang-kunang adalah serangga yang termasuk dalam ordo kumbang yang memiliki ciri khas dapat mengeluarkan cahaya melalui reaksi kimia di tubuhnya (Bioluminescence). Ada beberapa fungsi dari cahaya kunang-kunang, yaitu untuk berkomunikasi, mencari pasangan, menghalau predator, dan memikat mangsa. Keberadaan kunang-kunang juga dapat menjadi indikator kesehatan lingkungan.  Jika populasi kunang-kunang turun drastis, maka itu dapat menjadi indikator adanya polusi, kerusakan habitat, atau perubahan iklim.

    Dalam budaya Jepang, kunang kunang merupakan metafora untuk Romantisme, dan juga Jiwa - jiwa yang telah gugur (Grave of the Fireflies, anyone...). Di Jepang ada festival bernama Hotaru-Gari yang berarti "melihat kunang-kunang". Pada saat musim panas baru saja dimulai, orang Jepang akan datang untuk melihat serangga mungil ini menerangi malam seperti lampion yang terbang ke angkasa.  Festival ini menunjukkan betapa kunang - kunang dikagumi dan dihargai. Mereka menjadi simbol harapan dan keindahan dalam kegelapan.

Jadilah seperti kunang-kunang di mana kita menjadi terang dan bermanfaat bagi orang lain. Jika kunang-kunang tidak bercahaya maka dia tidak ada gunanya lagi. Jadilah seperti kunang-kunang di mana keberadaanmu membuat komunitasmu sehat.

Terima kasih telah membaca, Ingatlah untuk selalu mencari sumber cahaya yang benar. Jangan terpikat dengan sumber cahaya yang semu dan jadilah terang! Sampai jumpa di lain kesempatan!

Written by: Admin ST-Rex

Lyric Oh My Love - Rexy Susanto

By : Story Liner


Oh My Love - Rexy Susanto

Verse 1
Oh My love, hold my hand, don't let go
Forever and ever I'll be your man, 
and I'll cherish you my sweetheart

Oh My love, Grow with me, don't forget, 
Together and always We'll be our own, 
and I'll fall for you everyday

I'll lead you on an adventure,
I will be there even though the storm is raging,
and when our time is ending 
I'll make sure our moments always linger on,
'Cause you're my love, my precious,
You make my world so joyful,
For now let's haste my love, 
Let's unite our life as one

Verse 2:
Oh My love, lean on me, don't be shy, 
Every time after time, I'll carry you 
and I'll make sure you stay safe

Oh My love, close your eyes, don't worry, 
Every time and again I'll be with you, 
and I'll always be right here,

I don't know what tomorrow will hold
But one thing I know for sure, everytime I'm with you 
I know we can make it through
Oh My love, hold my hand, don't let go
Forever and ever I'll be your man, 
and I'll cherish you my sweetheart
Now let's haste my love, let's unite our life as one


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By : Story Liner



Nottaker, begitulah namaku disebut. Di masa hidupku aku memiliki hobi mencatat. Mencatat apa tanyamu? Mencatat setiap perbuatan buruk orang –orang. Ditambah dengan kemampuanku mengingat kejadian dengan sangat detail, aku didaulat menjadi pencatat nomor satu di dunia yang fana ini. Hingga akhirnya kematian menjemputku, dan ternyata aku diberi tugas menjadi pencatat perbuatan manusia hmm.


“Sudah selesai pengenalannya? Kau melebih – lebihkan pencapaianmu, menyebut dirimu pencatat nomor 1? Sombong kamu nak!” Kata – kata dari гласник mengusikku. Siapa гласник tanyamu? (atau sebut saja Nic, nama sebenarnya) dia adalah malaikat yang mengurusku ketika aku sampai disini, di dunia antara hidup dan mati.

“Seseorang harus percaya diri dengan dirinya sendiri, lagipula kemampuanku adalah fakta kenapa kau protes?” Ujarku membalas celetukkannya

“Kau boleh percaya diri, tapi kau sangat salah besar Not,SALAH BESAR. Pertama kau bukan pencatat nomor 1, kedua kau bilang kau sudah mati tapi sebenarnya kau hanya koma, kau masih memiliki kesempatan untuk kembali ke dunia fana” Ujar гласник

“Oh begitu, lalu tunggu apa lagi? Kembalikan aku ke dunia”

“Tidak semudah itu Not” Balas гласник “Ada ujian yang perlu kau lewati sebelum bisa kembali” гласник menimpali “Kau masih ingat di pengenalan tadi, aku sudah memberimu tugas mencatat perbuatan manusia, lebih tepatnya mencatat perbuatan satu orang saja bernama… Siapa Hayooo Hehehe”

“Ngasih tugas malah bercanda tak jitak juga dirimu Nic”

“Santai, santai Not, nama orangnya beneran Siapa Hayooo Hehehe”

“Mana ada nama orang seperti itu!””

“Jangan tanya saya, tanya sama orang tua atau si authornya” Protes гласник “Nama X Æ A-Xii aja ada apalagi nama Siapa Hayooo Hehehe” Ucap гласник yang menujukan kekesalannya ke Nottaker dan Author (iye maaf).

“Ok jadi tugasku adalah mencatat orang ini kemudian aku bisa kembali begitu kan?” Tanyaku kepada гласник

“Benar sekali” Jawab гласник “Tapi kau akan terus mencatat hingga kau belajar apa yang Sang Pencipta ingin kau pelajari” lanjut гласник dengan raut wajah misterius “Sekarang pergilah, kau harus mempelajari ini sendiri”


Sekarang tugasku adalah mengikuti Siapa Hayooo Hehehe, atau kita sebut Hayo saja. Hayo adalah remaja, masih anak sekolah, 1 SMA. Melalui pengamatanku sejauh ini, Hayo adalah pembohong besar. Ketika guru meminta tanda tangan orang tuanya di lembar ujian Hayo yang nilainya Kecil, Hayo memalsukan tanda tangan orang tuanya. Ketika Hayo diberi surat oleh BK untuk memanggil orang tuanya, yang datang malah sopirnya yang menyamar jadi orang tuanya (dan nggak ketahuan!). Hayo juga tidak setia ke pacarnya, bilangnya cuma sayang pacarnya seorang, eh ternyata punya selingkuhan di sekolah lain. Kalau yang aku catat dari ucapan Hayo sendiri, dia ingin punya pacar dari 10 sekolah berbeda dalam waktu bersamaan. Benar – benar keterlaluan. Jika aku harus menulis semua yang aku catat maka akan terlalu panjang cerita ini (mungkin perlu kuceritakan dia pernah menipu guru kimianya hingga nilai ulangannya dari 20 menjadi 75 sehingga nggak jadi remedial).


Suatu hari Hayo mengikuti retret disekolahnya. Sepertinya kebaktian di retret sekolahnya sangat menyentuh hatinya sehingga Hayo bertobat. Hayo mulai mengakui kesalahannya ke orang tuanya, tentu dia dimarahin habis-habisan dan aku bahkan salut dengan keberaniannya untuk mengaku. Hayo juga menceritakan penipuannya ke Guru BK. Untungnya Guru BK tidak memarahinya dan malah mengapresiasi kejujurannya (tapi aku masih bingung kok bisa ketipu sama supir). Pengakuan ke pacar dan selingkuhan – selingkuhannya cukup berakhir tragis. Tak hanya diputusi, Hayo juga menerima 10 tamparan di pipi kanan dan 10 tamparan di pipi kiri. Aku rasa hukumannya masih kurang tapi ya sudahlah. Sepertinya aku sudah mempelajari sesuatu, saatnya memanggil гласник!


“Hei Not, apakah kau sudah mempelajari sesuatu setelah mengikuti Siapa Hayooo Hehehe?” Tanya гласник

“Ya aku sudah mempelajari sesuatu yang sudah aku tahu sebenarnya” Balasku dengan bangga

“Hooo sombong ya, katakan apa yang sudah kau pelajari Not?” Tanya гласник menantangku

“Mudah sekali, bahwa setiap orang ada kesempatan untuk bertobat, ya walaupun menurutku dia belum mendapat hukuman yang setimpal”

“Hahaha sudah sombong salah lagi, ya jawabanmu memang hamper benar tapi bukan itu”

Aku mulai berpikir keras, apa jawabannya? Bukankah jawabanku itu adalah jawaban sebenarnya? Aku mencoba mencari jawaban yang lain.

“Umm… tidak boleh selingkuh?” Tanyaku ragu – ragu

“Ya memang tidak boleh selingkuh, tapi jawabanmu sudah melenceng jauh dari jawaban yang diinginkan” Jawab гласник

“Errr… tidak boleh memalsukan tanda tangan?” Tanyaku masih ragu – ragu

“Kurang tepat, masih melenceng jauh, sepertinya kau masih perlu mencatat lagi”

Aku mulai frustrasi. Apa jawabannya??! Dalam rasa frustrasiku kukoyakkan catatanku tentang Hayo. Namun aku melihat гласник tersenyum. Apa dia tersenyum karena aku gagal, atau jangan – jangan?!


“Yang Sang Pencipta inginkan aku pelajari adalah untuk… membuang catatan ini? Untuk tidak mencatat perbuatan Hayo?” Tanyaku ragu – ragu, ini adalah kesempatan terakhirku

“Ya kau benar, selamat Nottaker kau berhasil”

Aku tak percaya ternyata jawabanku benar, namun aku masih penasaran akan penjelasannya.

“Nic bisakah kau jelaskan padaku?”

“Aku suka gaya bicaramu sekarang, tidak sombong lagi” jawab гласник “Terkadang kita berpikir kita sudah mengampuni, namun di lubuk hati terdalam kau masih mengingat – ingat kesalahan mereka dan tidak mau berdamai dengannya.” Lanjut гласник “Aku tahu kau memiliki ingatan yang bagus Not, yang membuatmu masih mengingat kesalahan – kesalahan orang di masa lampau, jangan ungkit – ungkit lagi Not, sama seperti Sang Pencipta yang tidak mengingat ingat kesalahan manusia yang bertobat sepenuh hati, perbuatlah demikian Not”

“Itu adalah hal yang sulit Nic” Balasku

“Ya itu adalah hal yang sulit, tapi tidak mustahil karena Sang Pencipta akan menyertai. Saatnya kembali ke awal Not, menghapus semua catatan dan membuka lembaran yang baru” Ucap гласник

Hari ini aku mempelajari sesuatu, untuk mengampuni dengan tidak mengingat – ingat lagi pelanggaran orang kepadaku. Berat rasanya tapi tidak mustahil. Beginilah kisahku, jika ingin kurangkum maka ada beberapa hal yang bisa diambil:


1. Mengampuni kesalahan dengan menghapus catatan –catatan keburukan, memulai dari awal membuka lembaran baru

2.    Jangan memalsukan tanda-tangan

3.    Jangan selingkuh, setia sama 1 pasangan aja.

4.    Tolong ya kalau kasih nama jangan aneh – aneh! (iye maaf)




Ascent: Prologue

By : Story Liner

???: “We live in a world full of amazing creatures. There’s Dragon tribe who have strong scale and can breathe fire. There’s fairy from Kingdom of Fairytale who use forest magic for their daily life, and  there’s us The Avians who are blessed with wings. With these wings we manage to rule the hills and skies, we build our homes in Feather Hill, a beautiful land where The Avians live in peace.  However, one day the army of those cursed metallic android invade us. We lose in a war with them and thus we are forced to leave Feather Hill and ran across the sea. Those evil androids even dare to claim Feather Hill as their own and taint it with their cities and empire. Now boys and girls, you need to become strong and when you’re 18 join the army and reclaim our……”

???: “Yeah yeah we already heard this many times Elder, this is so boring I thought you are going to say something different. C’mon friends, let’s do something interesting, let’s have a racing competition”

Children: “Yeah let’s play outside, see ya later Elder hehehe”

Elder: ”RAYDEN CAERIUS, How dare you interrupt me when I’m speaking, and where are you going? I’m not yet finished.”

Rayden: Chill out Elder, we won’t hear this story again, my parents is leading the invasion this year, they will surely win and reclaim Feather Hill.”

Elder: Y-yes, Warchief Caerius is leading the army, but still you all need to dedicate…… *sigh* they are gone. Well I guess I just need to believe in Rayden. Avian with golden wings sure is an interesting fellow.

          Scene changes to the outskirt Avian village, where avian build their home after losing the war. The village itself is full of Korowai, a hut at the top of towering structure made from lumber. The Elder Hut is at the center of the village and it’s the biggest and the tallest structure in the village. It can support an entire village during village monthly meeting. Not far from the Elder Hut to the east, there’s Avian Dojo where Avians can learn military and combat skill. At the border of the village, there are many post sentries where village guard patrol. If we go to the east from the border you can find Wind Meadow, a meadow full of strong wind. This is the place where the avian test their flying skill and we’re heading there because Rayden said so hehe.

Rayden: Ok the rule is simple, the first one who can fly across the meadows is the winner

Children 1: Right, today is the day I will defeat Rayden the Golden Wing

*Piano Passage start: treng.. treng..  trengtrengtreng.. treng treng treng treng treng GOLDEN WIN… *SMACK
I’m sorry due to the narrator attempt to be cent (Receh) we need to smack him, ok moving on.

          The race started, Rayden and his friends try their best navigating the Wind Meadow, one by one his friends are swept by the wind current, but Rayden is different, he makes the wind as his friend (kinda like Tsubasa) and thus he manages to use the wind to fly even faster

Rayden: Hahaha I manage to win again…. Wait what is that??!

          As Rayden lay his gaze upon the horizon he look a battalion of Avians marching home, but there’s something wrong, they are bloodied and their expression full of grief. Rayden recognize that the one who lead the battalion is Uncle Caesar, his father best friend. Rayden charge at them with full speed.

Rayden: WHAT HAPPENED?? WHERE’S MY PARENTS?? Uncle Caesar where’s my Father?

Caesar: Rayden, we fight the android but they prove too much for us, your father order us to retreat but during retreating your mother Saya was killed and your father……  Warchief Caerius stood his ground…. to protect us retreating. I’m sorry Rayden, I’m so sorry

Rayden is shocked, his father didn’t return and his mother was killed in action.

Caesar: We manage to bring your mother’s body home…. You should look to her

          Rayden stood still when he sees his mother body, and a moment later a cry was heard so loud. Since that fateful day, Rayden train so hard to be the greatest warrior ever so that he can avenge his parents.

10 Years Later… in Avian Dojo

Rayden: Hyaaargh Hyaargh Hyaaargh, take this Rayden Dash!!!!

Combatant: Uaaaagh, I yield I yield!!

Dojo Master: Well congratulation Rayden, not only you manage to master Avian Combat Art, but you also manage to remain undefeated in this past 10 years

Rayden: Thank you master, so it means I’m able to join the army right?

Dojo Master: Technically you can, since you’re already 18 and you’re already prove your strength, but it remains to be seen by the warchief’s judgement.

Rayden: Great, it’s time to teach those android some lessons, Master I’m going to the cemetery, thank you for this past 10 years

          Rayden is happy he finally able to join the army this year, right now he is heading towards the cemetery to get his mother blessing, but along the way he spots some commotion in the village, curious Rayden head there.

          In commotion area, stood an Avian Girl beating some guards, but this is not an ordinary Avian as Rayden think to himself, on closer look Rayden realize that this Avian Girl has a wing made from metal! Not only her wing, but also part of her left hand and leg. The Avian Girl also wears an eyepatch on her left eye. Now, the villagers form a mob and start throwing rocks at her.

Avian Girl: Why you people attack me? I’m just returning to my village and yet this is the greeting that I get from the army and villagers?

Villager: Die you android freak, how dare you enter this village
Avian Girl: Are you people dummy? As I explained before I’m an Avian!!!

Villager: Then, why you have metallic part?

Avian Girl: Well…. That’s because…

Villager: See, you can’t answer it, you’re just a spy, die freak!!!

          As the villager start to throw rocks again suddenly there’s huge wind breeze and in a matter of second the girl vanishes. Turn out it’s Rayden that saves her with his flying speed.

Avian Girl: What, Who are you?

Rayden: Name is Rayden, let’s head to my house, it looks like this place isn’t save

Avian Girl: O—Okay

Inside Rayden House:

Avian Girl: Thank you for saving me Rayden

Rayden: No worries, but I guess you’ve lot to explain, let’s start with who are you?

Aeria: My name is Aeria, just Aeria and as I said before I’m an Avian, I was born in this village!

Rayden: Ok and it’s rare to see an avian with metallic wing, so what happened?

Aeria: well it’s also rare too see Avian with golden wing Rayden, well two years ago I join the army and we attack the Feather Hill. On that battle I…

Rayden: Wait, you’re part of the army that depart two years ago? So you are part of the army that dissatisfied with our current Warchief, Caesar

Aeria: YES, we are part of the group that dissatisfied with Caesar coward neutral policy and DO NOT interrupt me ever again while I’m narrating Rayden.

Rayden: O-Okay, I’m sorry please continue

Aeria: Right, as I said we attack Feather Hill and on that battle I lost my wing and I was wounded, I thought I’m going to die as I lose consciousness, but when I wake up I was saved by a kind Android--


Aeria: YES, and What I said about interrupting Rayden?? (Proceed to hit Rayden in comical way)

Rayden: Owwww, I’m sorry Aeria, please continue

Aeria: Ok no more interrupting, so the android, or rather Mr. Vista Eleven take care of me this past two years, and he gives me a new metallic wing, and cybernetic limbs for my lost hand and leg, and turn out not all android are evil, there are many who are dissatisfied with the Android Empire Conquest Policy

Aeria: However, my presence was found out by the Android authority, Mr Eleven manage to brought me outside Feather Hill but in the process, he was captured, so I flee here with all of my might, but guess what? I even not welcomed here

Rayden: Ok, that’s an interesting story there, question: what happened to the rest of the armies? I didn’t recall any survivors of that battle returning to the village.

Aeria: Well most of them was either killed or become a slaves in Feather Hill

Rayden: ….Ok, so you’ve been to Feather Hill right? I would like to…..

*Knock knock knock*

Elder: Rayden I know you’re in there, let me in

Rayden: Quick hide Aeria, or should I say, escape Aeria from the back door, meet me at the cemetery

Aeria: What, Why Cemetery?

Rayden: Just go there, beside I still have a question for you

          Aeria start to escape from the backdoor, while Rayden go to front door and not only the Elder greets him but also Warchief Caesar

Caesar: Well well well Rayden, congratulation for your high grade in the dojo, Caerius must be proud of you

Rayden: Thank you Uncle Caesar, what business do you have coming here?

Elder: Well Rayden we know this morning there’s an Avian wearing eyepatch coming to the village, and when the villager wants to capture her there’s a huge breeze of wind and she vanishes, I know the culprit is you because who else could fly that fast? So where is she Rayden?

Rayden: First the villager is trying to kill her not capture, second what you want to do with her?

Caesar: We’re going to capture and interrogate her, she could be a spy from Andro….

Rayden: Enough!, you should have chosen your words wisely Warchief, Aeria isn’t a spy, she is a good person, albeit temperamental, but nonetheless you’re not going to capture her

Caesar: What, Rayden you don’t know how scary the androids are, they could be plotting our demise with this spy and I don’t need your permission, GUARDS!! Seize this house

Elder: Wait Caesar that’s too harsh..

Rayden: So be it, see ya Warchief

          The guards enter the house and Rayden start to prepare himself, suddenly Rayden start to dash so fast that Caesar, Elder, and all the guards are stunned. Rayden escapes while the all the guards start chasing him.


Afternoon in the cemetery

Aeria: What took Rayden so long, did he get captured??, wait is that Rayden

Rayden manage to escape but turns out it takes time

Rayden: Sorry Aeria, I need to confuse the guard about my destination before escaping here

Aeria: Well no worries, I thought you’re being captured, so what you want to do here?

Rayden: Just follow me

Rayden and Aeria soon stood in front of Saya’s tombstone

Rayden: *praying* Ma, I manage to finish my training, and I manage to be the best, I’m gonna go to Feather Hill to avenge you, you’ll be lonely while I go but I promise I will come back, Mama please watch me!!

RaydenAeria, my question earlier is.. does my father Caerius the previous warchief is alive? You said that most of the armies are turn into slaves, Is there a chance that my father is alive?

Aeria: Now I begin to see why you’re able to fly so fast, so you’re the previous warchief son, and an avian with golden wing, you’re destined with greatness

Rayden: No need that golden wing superstition, just answer the question

Aeria: Honestly I didn’t see your father there, but being a warchief there’s a chance that the Android imprison your father. The android tends to spare special people afterall, he should be alive.

Rayden: Thank you Aeria, Now I’ve decided, I’m going to infiltrate the Feather Hill and free my father, you’re coming with me

Aeria: What, why should I?

Rayden: First the Avians wants to capture and interrogate you, I don’t think you’re save here, second reason: you’ve been to Feather Hill, you know the android, and don’t you want to rescue Mr Eleven?

Aeria: Well you have a point..

Rayden: Two points..

Aeria: Yeah that’s what I mean!! Ok I’m coming with you, but shouldn’t we prepare something for the journey?

Rayden: Right, I’m going to take some provision and my weapon from the dojo, we are going to sneak out of the village this night

Aeria: Affirmative, and beside there’s something that I need to do in my house, see you later Rayden.

Rayden: Ok meet me near the village border on the east.


At Night near the village border

Rayden: So Aeria are you prepared?

Aeria: Well I’ve said my goodbye, I’m ready

Rayden: Ok this area has the less guard, and once we’re in the Wind Meadow, no one can capture us

          While Rayden and Aeria sneaking, suddenly they are ambushed by lot of guards, there’s the Elder and Caesar too

Caesar: Well well well, we find out your home is empty, and I know you’re going to escape to Wind Meadow that’s why I sprung an ambush here, but why escape Rayden?

Rayden: I’m going to Feather Hill with Aeria uncle, I’m going to free my father

Caesar: What?! Going to Feather Hill by yourself? Don’t you know what awaits you there? Only Horror!! Surrender Rayden, and gives the girl peacefully, I don’t want to hurt My best friend son.

Rayden: Uncle Caesar, you may be my father best friend, you may be the warchief, but your fear of the android consumes you too much, see? Aeria is one of us? She’s an Avian!!

Caesar: SILENCE, Android took many of our brethren life, Guards, seize them

Aeria: Guess we need to fight, Rayden can you throw me to the front? I’m going to make an opening

Rayden: As you wish

          Rayden prepare his volley service pose while Aeria start doing back flip to land on Rayden volley service pose. Rayden launch Aeria as strong as he can. While being launched in the air, Aeria immediately doing a roll and kick the guard with her metal leg (Cannon Ball Kick). The forces to strong that the guards are scattered. Rayden Immediately follow

Caesar: Follow them

Caesar, Elder, and the Guards begin to follow them, while some guards manage to follow Rayden and Aeria, their combined effort proves too much for the guards, soon they manage to reach Wind Meadow

Rayden: Hold My hand, we are going to follow the wind

Aeria grab Rayden hand and soon they begin escaping the meadow, while the guards have difficulty traversing. The Elder only stood, smile and ..

Elder: I guess we can’t stop him *Inhale* RAYDEN CAERIUS GOODLUCK ON YOUR QUEST

Hearing those words, Rayden smile and together with Aeria they escape the Wind Meadow. Their adventure start now!

To be continued……


Art & Story Concept: Admin Trainer-K
Story Narrative: Admin ST-Rex

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